SSRANZ Admn February 23, 2019
The longer the construction at Henoko continues, the more resentment there will be towards the U.S.
By Robert Kajiwara / February 20, 2019
Reading time: 6 minutes.

[Robert Kajiwara is an Okinawan-Hawaiian singer-songwriter and cultural ambassador. He is the director of the Peace for Okinawa Coalition. For more information, visit ]

The construction of a controversial new U.S. military base is sparking increased calls for Okinawa to regain its independence.

The construction is destroying a rare coral reef at a place called Henoko, located toward the northern part of Okinawa Island. The reef contains hundreds of rare and endangered species, and is being called the second-most biodiverse in the world, only behind the Great Barrier Reef. If the base is completed, the reef would be almost entirely destroyed.

The indigenous Okinawan people have long been against this base, but have continually had their voices ignored by both Japan and the United States. The Okinawan government has done everything in its power to stop the construction, including removing all permits for the construction to legally continue, though the U.S. and Japan have ignored these requirements.

Though the governor of Okinawa, Denny Tamaki, has requested meetings with U.S. government officials to discuss the matter, he has been repeatedly denied. The U.S. government maintains a stance that this is a domestic issue between Japan and Okinawa, and that the Japanese government is “committed to working with the people of Okinawa to find a solution,” a claim which Okinawans, as well as supporters from all over the world, find frustratingly ignorant and dismissive.

“We are past our boiling point,” said Gov. Tamaki in his first meeting with a new Okinawa area coordinator for the U.S. military.

A general feeling is that both the U.S. and Japan are tone-deaf when it comes to Okinawa. Because both Japan and the U.S. have repeatedly ignored and violated the will of the Okinawan people and their democratically elected government, calls are increasing for Okinawa to regain its independence.

Okinawa was an independent nation known as “Ryukyu” until 1879, when Japan annexed it. Though Japan would go on to annex many other nations before and during World War II, all of those nations received their independence back after the war; only Ryukyu did not. Instead, it has been used by both Japan and the United States for military bases.

During World War II, as Japan began to lose, it increased its defenses on Okinawa, planning to sacrifice it in order to protect the Japanese homeland. During the Battle of Okinawa, between 120,000-200,000 Okinawans were killed, which was one-quarter to one-third of the population. Thousands of Okinawan civilians were murdered by the Japanese military, who feared Okinawans would turn on them and join the Allies.
A Military Sacrifice?

Many believe that Japan is once again setting Okinawa up to be sacrificed in another potential attack by increasing Okinawa’s military burden. Though Okinawa makes up just 0.6 percent of Japan’s landmass, it contains 70 percent of its military. This inordinate amount of military causes numerous problems for the Okinawan people, including increased crime, pollution, noise, and safety hazards. It also creates a tremendous economic burden for Okinawans. The military contributes just around 5.6 percent to the Okinawan economic, but takes up 15.6 percent of its land, and around 30 percent of its arable land, creating a huge economic deficit.

Many Okinawans see independence — or at the very least greater autonomy — as the only way to reduce or eliminate their base burden.

A survey conducted by the Ryukyu Shimpo, the largest newspaper of the Ryukyu Islands, released in 2017 indicates that less than half of Ryukyuans are satisfied with the status quo of being a prefecture of Japan. In addition to the base issues, many are concerned with the low incomes that many Ryukyuans experience — two issues that are intricately intertwined. The large amount of quality land that the military occupies handicaps the Okinawan economy, preventing Okinawans from using it in more productive ways.

One of the most curious things about this base at Henoko is the question of why it is being built in the first place.

“Independence equals autonomy,” explains Tursi. “Autonomy leads to creativity, protection (emotionally and physically), escape from poverty, and better education. Independence is important to maintain your dignity. People don’t realize that they’re colonized — psychologically colonized, so you’re doing things that you don’t even realize you’re doing.” But under independence, she explains, Okinawans can achieve their own freedom and develop their own ways of doing things.

One of the most curious things about this base at Henoko is the question of why it is being built in the first place. Both the U.S. and Japan have previously stated that the base is not necessary for defense or security purposes. The project is billions of dollars over budget due to serious construction flaws and the softness of the ground at the proposed site. (The sand at the location has been described as “mayonnaise-like” in substance.) The area also happens to be over a major earthquake fault line.

But the base is being built at the urging of Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Abe initially agreed that Japan would cover the costs for the base, though that was before the severe cost overruns, and in any case, the U.S. would still be required to pay for the troops and weapons.

“Even though the Obama administration was well aware of the conflicts created in Okinawa, both political and environmental, through the expansion of U.S. military bases they were consistent in implementing the projection-of-power militarization aspects of Obama’s Pivot to Asia whose cornerstone purpose was to maintain U.S. hegemonic interests while containing a rising China,” said peace activist Jan R. Weinberg.

“In my opinion the naivety of Congress has been exposed through their recent ratification of the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018(ARIA) which builds on Obama’s Asia Pivot.”

An independent Ryukyu could determine for itself whether or not to allow U.S. or other foreign military bases in its territory, and if so, to what extent. But in all likelihood Ryukyu will demand a gradual removal of all U.S. bases, due to the sheer unpopularity of the U.S. military in Ryukyu.

The current attitude of the U.S. government deferring entirely to the Japanese government, while ignoring the will of Okinawans, certainly isn’t helping America’s reputation. The longer the construction at Henoko continues, the more resentment there will be toward the U.S. This resentment, just like the damage being done to Okinawa’s environment, is likely to be permanent.

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Source: Civilbeat

Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture comprising more than 150 islands in the East China Sea between Taiwan and Japan's mainland. It's known for its tropical climate, broad beaches and coral reefs, as well as World War II sites. On the largest island (also named Okinawa) is Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, commemorating a massive 1945 Allied invasion, and Churaumi Aquarium, home to whale sharks and manta rays.
Population: 1.423 million (31 Mar 2012)
Capital: Naha
Governor: Denny Tamaki
Weather: 21 °C, Wind SW at 14 km/h, 82% Humidity

Why America Should Pull Out of Okinawa

America and its allies will be just as safe—or safer—without the Marines on Okinawa. Let’s bring them home.
by Jarek Buss

What is worth fighting for? Which “national interests” are worth American lives? At the end of the day, this is the yardstick for measuring the necessity of U.S. military involvement around the world. In any region where the answer is “none,” U.S. forces should be pulled out. In any region where the answer is “some,” U.S. forces should be tailored to defend those specific interests from likely threats.

Leading with a clear enunciation of real national interests—instead of groupthink, historical precedent, or inertia—opens up an array of locations where the U.S. military can do less without an adverse effect on American security. Okinawa is a prime example.

As U.S.-Japan bilateral defense cooperation continues to improve, not only can the United States reduce its military presence on Okinawa without jeopardizing its interests in East Asia, but doing so will actually bolster the U.S.-Japan alliance.



Prehistory (Paleolithic era – Gusuku era)

There are several theories surrounding the origin of the Minatogawa people who are believed to have lived in Okinawa 22,000 years ago, one suggesting China being their origin while others speculating their origin to be Indonesia, Australia, and other regions.
Life was centered on hunting, gathering, and fishing during the Shell Mound era, which lasted until around the 10th century.
During the Gusuku era between the 12th and 15th centuries, life transitioned to revolve around farming, and it can be seen from historical sites that the population grew rapidly during this era.
Sanzan Era

Further into the Gusuku era, the conflict began to erupt among regional chiefs in the 13th century, and the three political spheres of influence, Hokuzan, Chuzan, and Nanzan were eventually formed. All three regions traded with China / the Ming dynasty and embraced the rich culture from the continent.
The three regions were unified in 1429 by Sho Hashi and became the Ryukyu Kingdom, the first unified regime to be established in Ryukyu.
Great Trade Era – Disposition of Ryukyu

The Ryukyu Kingdom actively conducted trades with Japan and China as well as Luzon (now the Philippines) and Siam (now Thailand) in Southeast Asia among other nearby countries and was even recognized by the Europeans as Lequios or Goresu.
In order to entertain the envoys of the Chinese emperor who were dispatched each time the king of Ryukyu changed, the unique culture of the Ryukyu Kingdom, including performing arts, crafts, and food, became more refined.

However, in 1591, the invasion of Satsuma (now Kagoshima) began, and the Ryukyu Kingdom was placed under the control of Satsuma in 1606. While visiting Edo as a subsumption ritual for Japan, Ryukyu continued its tributary trades with China, but in 1875 during the Meiji era, the Ryukyu Kingdom was abolished, followed by orders to terminate the tributary relationship with the Qing Dynasty to comply with the political system of Japan, and Okinawa Prefecture was established.
Before the Wars – World War II

After the establishment of Okinawa Prefecture in 1879, the Japanese central government appointed Naoyoshi Nabeshima to become the first governor. Okinawa underwent modernization during that period, but a fierce ground battle unfolded during World War II that involved the general population, causing severe damage both, in terms of human lives and culturally.
After World War II – Present

In 1945, as World War II came to a close, Okinawa was placed under American rule, and until it was reverted to Japan on May 15, 1972, it went through a different history from that of the Mainland with heavy influence from the United States.

Since then, the G8 Summit (G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit) of 2000 and other international events were held, the Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu were registered under the World Cultural Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 2000, and today, Okinawa is highly received as one of the leading resort destinations in Japan by not only domestic travellers but also international travellers.

Source: Facebook

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